Our mission statement
As stated in the corporation's by-laws, the Center's mission is achieved through the realization of the following objectives:
- To study political, social, economic, legal, constitutional, and cultural changes in the countries and societies of the Middle East; especially, but not limited to, those changes leading to and following the so-called Arab Spring of 2011.
- To design strategies based on the aforementioned studies in order to help the societies of the Middle East formulate goals for these changes; and then transition toward these goals. The goals of these strategies shall be consistent with the creation of democratic government, the rule of law, equality before the law, a vibrant civil society, and respect for human rights.
- To bring together scholars and interested persons from the United States of America and from around the world to reflect upon the subjects of these studies, realize the studies, design the strategies of change, and then help implement them.
- To promote friendly relations between the Middle Eastern and the American peoples; and also to encourage international cooperation based on international law and justice.
- These objectives will be achieved through the medium of studies, lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, publishing articles or journals (printed or electronic), maintaining websites, producing newsletters or booklets, producing audiovisual material and all other appropriate means. These mediums are hereafter designated as “products and activities” of the corporation.
- All the products and activities of this corporation (studies, consultations, strategies, and conference proceedings) shall be made available to the general public both American and international.
- To cooperate with other organizations regarding matters consistent with these By-Laws.
Our ethics
When studying a situation and designing tools of intervention in order to achieve change, we follow a holistic approach that respects the following tenets:
- consider the different components of a living society; its economic, social, cultural, and ecological characteristics and needs;
- the absolute necessity to include all stakeholders in the process of change;
- the need to respect the value-system of the society within which we work as well as the universal values of human rights;
- the absolute need to empower people to take ownership of their own development;
- the need to create sustainable change and development processes.
- be mindful, as much as possible, of the unintended consequences of our interventions as to "do not harm".
Core expertise
- systemic analysis of stable, unstable, and chaotic socio-political situations;
- studying and operating within developing societies where both premodern and modern mentalities and institutions coexist;
- design wholistic intervention strategies to effectuate change in said societies;
- detect and predict new trends of change, locally, regionally, and globally;
- transition to modern states and institutions while satisfying local needs, respecting local wills, and considering global constraints;
Areas of interest
The Center operates in many fields such as:
- managing contentious politics, social upheaval, and the challenges caused by a failing state;
- managing peaceful and effective transition toward a capable and just state which includes: formulating collective, rebuilding/building institutions, peace-building through reducing violence and resolving social conflicts, managing refugees and stabilizing the economy, achieving social reconciliation and ending civil conflicts;
- building civil society institutions that promote sustainable economic development, political participation, equal opportunity, and cultural growth;
- building the institutional base and the know-how for effective governance and democracy;
- promoting administrative decentralization and local participation in government and decision-making;
- building a democratic government built on the respect of the different national cultures, the rule of law and equality before the law, and equal access to resources and opportunities.
We also help implement our advice and recommendations through
- Situation analysis including, political economic analysis, stakeholder analysis, need assessment, and risk-urgency assessment;
- project design and management including proposal writing, executive plan and implementation modalities (using the Logical Framework Approach), and follow-up strategies.
- capacity development including training need assessment, development of training manuals, and training personnel.
Whom we help
Some of our projects are internally initiated, however most of our projects are commissioned by organizations and groups such as
- International development institutions, both governmental and non-governmental;
- civil society organizations with research and educational goals;
- advocacy groups and goal-oriented groups;
- community-based and grass-root organizations and groups involved in relief work, and civil society development;
- rising local government (or governance) institutions in situations of violence and state failure;
- private individuals and businesses trying to understand and survive periods of turbulent change;